10 events found.
TBD Pancake Breakfast (Aug 13)
Since this is later than normal, it is not currently clear if this one will happen.
2022 Fall Board Meeting – TES
Rec HallIce Cream Social, BBQ and Potluck (Sept 4th 6pm)
Rec HallSee you at the Rec Hall
2023 Spring Board Meeting
Rec HallSpaghetti Dinner Social
Rec HallPancake Breakfast #1
Rec HallBring your cups, plates, utensils and $4 for kids 10 and under\$5 for everyone else, to the Rec Hall and get some yummy pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage! Proceeds go right back into the resort to fund things like the nice chairs, tables, racks you see in the Rec Hall.